Eliminate Jaw Discomfort With Harlingen TMJ Treatment
Troubles with your temporomandibular joints (TMJ) can make it painful to chew, laugh, yawn, or even open your mouth. For some people, TMJ pain is almost debilitating. With TMJ treatment in Harlingen, the Drake Family Dentistry team will:
- Determine which treatment methods will work best for you
- Start with the most conservative treatment options
- Ease pain in your jaw, face, neck, and shoulders
- Eliminate related TMJ symptoms like headaches and earaches
- Enable you to awaken well rested and free of pain
Don’t let TMJ dysfunction get you down! Call 956-450-7375 today to see our team for the relief you need.
Protect Your Smile From Painful Teeth Grinding Damage
Though every TMJ case is unique, many people who suffer from a TMJ disorder grind their teeth. This habit, often linked to stress, typically occurs at night while you sleep. When Dr. Burton examines you, he’ll look for evidence of grinding. He’ll also ask you about morning jaw pain and other indicators. He can fit you for a custom-made mouthguard that will:
- Prevent you from grinding your teeth and clenching your jaw
- Relieve pressure on your TMJ so your jaw can heal
- Protect your teeth from chips, cracks, and other grinding-related damage
- Fit you better than a mouthguard purchased from a store, since it’s made using impressions of your teeth
While a mouthguard may be the only treatment you need to stop TMJ pain, more advanced cases may require us to make adjustments to your bite. Depending on the severity of the issue, this can be accomplished through a teeth contouring procedure, dental restorations such as crowns, or orthodontic treatment.
No matter which treatment you receive, you’ll benefit from our state-of-the-art technologies like digital imaging and an intraoral camera, which make it easy for us to identify problems in their earliest stages.
For TMJ treatment in Harlingen, call Drake Family Dentistry at 956-450-7375 today. You can also schedule an appointment .